
Pilihan E-Course Self Learning Untuk Kamu

A. Paket E-Course: Basic dan Intermediate


IDR 300.000

Daftar Topik Paket Basic

  • Introduction of Accounting
  • 5 Account Categories and Chart of Account
  • 3 Steps to Create a Journal
  • Cash Basis V.S Accrual Basis
  • Petty Cash & Bank Transaction
  • Purchase & Sales
  • Periodic V.S Perpetual
  • COGS for Trading Company
  • General Adm. Exp., Other Income, Other Exp.
  • Sales Expense
  • Working Capital & Loan Payable
  • Other Current Asset dan Other Current Liability
  • Fixed Assets Acquisitions & Depreciation
  • What is Financial Statements
  • How to make BS, PL, TB, GL
  • Introduction of Tax
  • Withholding Tax - PPh 21
  • Withholding Tax - PPh 22
  • Withholding Tax - PPh 4(2)
  • Value Added Tax - PPN


IDR 400.000

Daftar Topik Paket Intermediate

  • Cash Flow Statement Report
  • Dividend
  • Reimbursement to Third Party
  • Disposal of Fixed Assets
  • COGS (for Manufacturing)
  • Foreign Currency transactions
  • Journal of Taxation
  • Inventory Calculation Methods
  • Withholding Tax - PPh 26
  • Corporate Income Tax
A. E-Course per Topik
IDR 40.000

Pengantar Akuntansi

IDR 40.000

Tips Membuat Jurnal

IDR 40.000

Petty Cash & Bank

IDR 50.000

Modal & Pinjaman

IDR 40.000

Pembelian & Penjualan

IDR 40.000

Harga Pokok Penjualan

IDR 40.000

Transaksi Biaya Perusahaan

IDR 20.000

Aset & Liabilitas Lancar

IDR 50.000

Aset Tetap

IDR 50.000

Laporan Keuangan

IDR 50.000

PPh Badan

IDR 40.000

Laporan Arus Kas

IDR 40.000

Jurnal Akuntansi Perpajakan

IDR 40.000

Selisih Kurs Mata Uang Asing

IDR 15.000

Pengantar Perpajakan

IDR 20.000

Pajak PPh 23

IDR 20.000

Pajak PPh 4(2)

IDR 50.000

Pajak PPh 21

IDR 20.000

Pajak Pertambahan Nilai

IDR 20.000

Pajak PPh 26